You’re Never Too Old to Find Your People.

There’s a cultural understanding growing that it’s impossible make new friends in our 30’s and 40’s. That the people we have when we are young are “our people” as we age. It leaves a fear that as friendships transition, we’ll be alone.

Friendship IS harder to find as we age, but finding good community is like dating— we have to remain open and hopeful to new relationships in order to be grateful when they come. That’s the biggest difference between new friends when we’re in our teens & 20’s— the openness and excitement for the NEWness of life and relationships.

Finding new people is scary. But you’re never too old to find good friendships with people who care about your life, your family, and your work.

My hope for you is that you’re willing to be open. Open to being surprised by new friends. Open to people who want to spend time with you & are pursuing friendship. Open to new conversations and parties and social places. I know it’s scary and easier to withdraw & avoid.

Try openness.


The Examen & Sucking at Prayer.


Making New Friends Takes Guts